Habibah Jaghoori, who has been outspoken throughout her term on a number of issues ranging from the Union’s conservative leadership to the Israeli occupation of Palestine, was removed last week.
Author: Carmeli Argana
Our radically different perspectives have often stirred outrage from mainstream media, who are too ready to rush in and discipline as dissidents rather than engaging with our political message.
Existing simultaneously at the fringes of Australia’s media industry and at the heart of campus culture within universities, there is a lot that student journalism can teach us about democratising our media landscape.
Eight candidates are running for the Senate this year in what can be expected to be a fiercely contested election.
JCU is proposing to reduce professional staff positions by 10 per cent, despite only a 4.3 per cent decline in student enrolments in 2021.
David Brophy has been elected Vice President (Academic Staff) and Jennifer Dowling has been elected Vice President (General Staff) of the USyd National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) Branch.
It’s important that we push towards a broader academic democracy — one where the people whose lives hang in the balance of university decision-making get the most say in how universities are run.
NTEU members voted in favour of a 48-hour strike in Week 10 after University management failed to meet core union demands on preserving research time, secure employment for casuals, and a real pay rise.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said that O’Neal was open to appearing in videos about “the importance of bringing people together” as part of the Government’s campaign to mobilise support for an Indigenous Voice.
Staff and students appeared at several USyd Open Day lectures to protest and discuss the importance of improving staff working conditions.