The exquisite Japanese scenery is viewed through a conspicuously French lens: a longing for what was strange and unfamiliar, beautiful and haunting.
Author: Imogen Sabey
It was a comfort and a joy to watch such stunning theatre made by local performers in local venues.
Trees are all around us… and they are always listening. But they’re not nosy like your next-door neighbour, so you don’t need to worry about them prying into your nonexistent love life and crippling job prospects.
The gentle beauty of Cinnamon Gardens hides the bitter and mournful experiences of those who live and work within it, who have endured hatred, racism and deep-seated intolerance.
Commenting on the play, director Lee Lewis said, “Tiny Beautiful Things is about every person on the planet and every…
“We’re not invisible, we don’t want to be criminals, we’re just kids.”
Which club will come out on top?
Where exactly AI in academia sits is hazy, and academic institutions haven’t had enough time as AI develops at a galloping pace to decide or define what is and isn’t acceptable.