Browsing: Queer Honi 2024

faggots rise up to the settlers’ dinner on the criminal Zionist’s war table, still warm, walk into the coloniser’s hotel, and set free a revolt, riot, mutiny

Pinkwashing is when the Zionist regime whitewashes its racially segregated road network in the West Bank, blockade of the Gaza Strip, ethnic cleansing of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa killings in the Old City with a rainbow flag with the cynical words, “In The Name of Love.”

Dust-ridden air filtered through the sheltered tunnel, and Aurix could hear each shift of their life amplified as they adjusted their knee pads. Then, a sigh. Their protective gear was itchy.

Joan and Marie journey through the literary, the historical, the folkloric, and the absurd. The play explores the relationship between two women, yes, but also the worlds that surround them.