Graduates will again be able to celebrate their graduation with an in-person ceremony in December, the University of Sydney (USyd) announced today.
USyd had previously cancelled in-person graduation ceremonies for the rest of 2021 due to “NSW health advice,” which sparked outcry amongst disgruntled graduands.
However, USyd emailed students and updated its website earlier today, saying that they are “delighted to confirm we plan to recommence on campus ceremonies in December for all students who were scheduled to graduate in Semester 2 2021, subject to public health orders.”
USyd made this decision “[i]n light of the relaxing NSW public health orders, and after extensive consultation with students.”
Student Sarah Cutter-Russell started a petition to reinstate in-person graduations, which garnered 947 signatures.
“I’m relieved that the University has listened to student feedback on this issue,” said Cutter-Russell. “A huge thank you to student leaders and the USyd community for supporting the petition and spreading the word. Bring on graduation season in December!”
USyd will email graduates shortly with more detailed information about their ceremony. Students who are unable to attend an in-person graduation ceremony can watch a live stream, or attend a potential event in 2022.