I write to assure second-generation migrants that while there is truly no place like home, we will always carry our homeland within us wherever we go.
Browsing: Perspective
There’s something about crisp, genuinely frozen air in the morning. Being able to see your breath in front of you. A real sunset every night, electric colours across the sky. Real seasons, from a genuinely sweltering summer to below-zero winters.
I feel that “how are you” has become a norm of mannerism and lost its original meaning, where we end up responding mechanically that we are fine.
After years of editing, proofreading and fact checking the story, why does telling people still feel impossible? Why, why, why, when I open my mouth to bring it up, do I feel like I’m lying?
My shoulders ached from the weight of the graduation gown, and my neck became stiff for fear of moving my head and tipping my cap off.
Honi dramatically helped me find my voice as a writer of Sydney women’s history, granting me the opportunity to adapt essays I spent hours researching for at Fisher into a digestible piece for all to enjoy and learn from.
Queer Societies are incredibly important spaces on campus. We can’t let them die.
I remember the first time I immersed myself into this world, the first splash of the salty water and I remembered clearly, how small I felt, compared to this big world waiting to be touched by humanity, the insignificance in the ocean made my time on land much more profound, more so gave life much more meaning.
“Be kinder to us Western Sydney community. Make ‘bigger’ events [like galas and balls] cheaper, as sometimes they’re the only ones we can afford to attend time wise,” said Ramdhana.
The “missing link of action leads to a destructive future,” in the wake of an “unfair distribution of justice,” and the intergenerational injustices inflicted in Gaza.