The September USU Board meeting was full of the usual formalities. Reports moved and seconded without pushback, with the ordinary list of thank yous and shoutouts. The Board further discussed the USU’s plan to incorporate, collaboration across other student unions, and decolonising USU owned buildings.
Student Journalism and our very own conference got a message from Secretary Julia Lim (Independent) who shouted out PULP’s attendance and “great vox pop content” alongside their recent Issue 17 launch. Like Lim we encourage everyone to pick one up!
The biggest news, communicated to Honi Soit last night by President Bryson Constable (Liberal) was the resignation of Immediate Past President Naz Sharifi (Independent) from the board. She told the Board it was an “absolute pleasure and privilege” to serve with everyone but it was time to take the next step in her career. Interestingly in the context of incorporation and increasing political tension inside the USU, Sharif said she hoped the Board would continue to “fight for this union to be student lead” and urged members to work through political differences, “a united Board is a strong Board.”
When asked how she would be replaced, given the role is meant to provide the board with maximal institutional knowledge, Constable said the process was in its early stages but he was “looking into” other past Presidents and executive members.
Vice President Ben Hines (Libdependent) told the Board in his report that the response to the USU’s proposed plan to incorporate from staff and students had been “overwhelmingly positive” and where there was “hesitation,” Hines argued it came from confusion over what the process actually looked like. Hines said that an FAQ had been posted to social media and there would be further consultation in the form of town halls to make sure students were confident incorporation would not “impact the USU’s autonomy.”
Honi pressed Constable that the comments from an anonymous Board member attacking the proposal was evidence the dissent went deeper than the Board was acknowledging. Constable said that there was no descent on the Board when the proposal was initially raised and he took the comments “seriously” because they were a “breach of fiduciary and legal duty.” He said there would be an internal response but did not say what it would be.
In his Ethnocultural report, Ethan Floyd (Grassroots), told the Board he was making progress on the long-term goal to rename the Wentworth building as part of his plan to “decolonise” the USU and engage better with First Nations communities. A level 6 meeting room was also brought up as a location that could get renamed. Renaming the Wentworth building, named after a colonial figure, was a key election promise in Floyd’s campaign.
Accessibility also came up with Floyd in their Queer and Disability reports updating the Board on the efforts to make attending Glitter Gala cheaper for queer students who were previously “locked out” and making sure the lift in the Manning Building was fixed as fast as possible.
Beyond the meeting of all the student journalist’s this weekend, the Board seems to also be expanding cross-university collaboration. In his President’s report Constable flagged that he has met with student leaders at UTS and UNSW already and planned to meet his counterparts at UQ and ANU next week. He argued for “much more formal engagement with other student unions” and greater “knowledge sharing.” Shirley Zhang (Independent) also noted in a similar vein that she had met with other members of the new International Student Representative Council to “discuss potential collaboration.” Comradery all around!
The next USU Board meeting will be held on October 25.