Studying at Fisher necessitates agony-inducing stooping to the subterranean level of your laptop screen.
Browsing: fisher library
Fisher’s reduced hours are a symptom of corporatisation in a competitive higher education sector, with COVID-19 wielded as justification for unprecedented cutbacks at the cost of the student experience.
There is a rooftop courtyard above Fisher Library, and the University won’t let you hang out there.
Those in attendance are advised to monitor for symptoms.
Entry requirements remain at the same level as the height of the recent lockdown.
New leaf to be turned on university avenue.
Reminiscing surreal journeys through campus.
Many have flushed a Fisher toilet, few know what happens next.
Students will each be given $20 in gambling credit as compensation for any loss in services.
In the same week that mass underpayment of library staff was exposed, 22 librarians have accepted redundancies.