Directed by Garreth Cruikshank, written by playwright-producer Jon Glass and co-produced by Marg Lennon, the play revolves around corporate lawyer Rebecca (Alexandra O’Brien) who returns home one day to read a rejection letter from a publisher addressed to her writer-husband Oliver (Barret Griffin).
- No Family is Safe When I Sashay: The Queen’s City of the South at Qtopia
- Choice of a lifetime: Chosen Ones
- Lesbians, Conspiracy Theories and Bangers: A Conversation with the Creators of Flat Earthers: The Musical
- Eight candidates vie for Senate position in crowded race
- Balancing Governance and Advocacy: Postgraduate Candidates on the role of the University Senate
- Students arrested at Western Sydney University during Palestine protest
- Campus as stage and hacks as players
- ‘Between Merit and Hope’: Clare Wigney’s solo show taking over Schmick Contemporary