Comedy posse Freudian Nip’s first live show, Tri Hard: Get Rich or Die Crying opens with the tranquil sounds of the ocean against a hilarious stream of conscience from Jenna Owen, with fellow group member (and Honi editor-elect), Victoria Zerbst echoing Owen’s phrasings.
The lights come flashing on and the trio bounce onto the small stage of the The Fuse Box at Marrickville’s Factory Theatre, now joined by Jess Bush as they burst into an obnoxious rap, introducing themselves in verse. The audience is already in stitches by this point, partially explained by the fact that this is the second show of two, largely filled with the friends and fans of Nip who could not get tickets to their sold-out first show.
One of the recurring gags throughout the one-hour show was the character of ‘Dacky,’ played by Bush, who sought to pull down the very ‘A Clockwork Orange’ white trousers of her fellow cast. The dackings occurred at more mature comedic moments, to keep the performance light and self-deprecating.
Other skits featured Mozart’s, ‘Requiem’ in a confession scene led by Bush; a contemporary Medusa led by Owen; and a musical number appropriating Lana Del Rey’s ‘Video Games’ featuring all three. Standout sketches included Richard Gere as a blow-job stunt double, a rap between a mother and father, and three cacti in a Martin Place office.
By far the best skit was played-out with Zerbst as a young teen, Bush as a pharmacist, and Owen as a pregnancy test. An interaction with the audience from the opening rap resurfaced here to great effect.
Before the performance a nervous producer, Jamaya Masters tells me that this show has been in the works since May, but such nerves were unwarranted as the show was as “tight,” as she promised it to be. Producing alongside Masters was Caitlin Fargher who also did a wonderful job in developing this fast-paced, high-energy production. The only disappointing part of the show was that it had to end after just one hour.
Freudian Nip are currently making plans to take their show to the Adelaide Fringe Festival in February, before returning home for the Sydney Comedy Festival later in 2016.