Postgraduate researchers Maxim Buckley (University of Adelaide) and Hayley Caldwell (University of South Australia) have lodged a petition with federal Parliament to address the Universities Accord recommendations for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student working conditions.
Petition “EN6358: Improve Higher Degree by Research Conditions” sits at over 3,200 signatures as of July 6, and is open until July 24.
The petition explains that the current Research Training Program (RTP) stipend for HDR students falls over $10,000 below minimum wage. Its requests to the government are as follows:
- Increase the RTP stipend to the minimum wage and maintain scholarships
- Freeze HECS-HELP loan indexation for the duration of HDR candidature
- Deduct the average Australian employee yearly percentage contribution from HECS-HELP after HDR completion
According to the petition’s head organiser, Maxim Buckley, “For the period of our study, we work full-time hours without proper remuneration, superannuation, and are unable to make HECS-HELP contributions.”
“We believe the minimum wage is a viable living standard for HDR students and is the standard that should be aimed for”, he explained.
Another petition organiser Hayley Caldwell shares her story about the financial pressure of living on the paltry RTP stipend: “I used to be able to put $20 a week into savings, then my rent went up $40 so now I have to dip into all those savings”.
“I’ve tried every money saving tip, yet my partner working minimum wage part-time still has to financially support me while I’m on the stipend, not everyone is as lucky,” Caldwell said.
You can sign the petition here.