Faced with narratives populated by gaps, omissions and distortions, Funder set to pen a “fiction of inclusion”, dismantling the myth of Orwell as self-made man.
Author: Ariana Haghighi
Shoes were placed around the square to symbolise every woman who was murdered in an act of violence since late last year, with the most recent murder occurring this month. The data was supplied by Destroy the Joint’s project called “Counting Dead Women”.
We had the opportunity to be one of the first to see the film, and were the first people to interview the powerful duo, Vic and Jenna, after having watched it.
Honi spoke to the FrogID Project Coordinator Nadiah Roslan, who provided some helpful tips for students looking to get involved.
A crowd of academics and activists gathered outside the F23 building this morning for a press conference to discuss the repressive campaign against pro-Palestine students and staff.
Eastern Avenue is no longer the stage of stujo electoral theatre it once was and even the presence of Facebook has waned.
During my English degree, I’ve received very little instruction on how to actually close-read, often relying on rudimentary high-school techniques.
In an indirect way, the SSAF we pay serves as salves to our loneliness, if we know where to look.
The similar messaging makes it more likely that the winner will be the ticket that best harness’s social media and their own personal networks.
In an email to all ANU staff, ANU Vice Chancellor Genevieve Bell requests staff forgo their expected 2.5% December pay rise under the current Enterprise Arrangement to assist the University to meet their budget shortfall.