Following Honi’s publication of an investigation into Courtyard’s absent microwave and cold muffins, the USU, through their Instagram story, made a promise: if the article’s petition reached 200 signatures, they would install a microwave in Courtyard Cafe and offer all signatories a warm muffin on May 13th.
At 10:09pm on May 6th, that petition reached 200 signatures. Sources confirmed that a microwave had been installed in The Bevy (the room adjacent to Courtyard) as early as May 12th. This was later confirmed by Honi the next day.
On Thursday, the people rejoiced as they got their complimentary warm muffins and were granted full access to the democracy microwave. Two types of muffins were available: chocolate nutella and caramel. While most patrons were satisfied, one customer we talked to said they burnt their mouth on the molten caramel center, while another said theirs was cold.
Courtyard did not fully respond to the demands of Honi’s article, however. While they did install a microwave, the microwave is not in Courtyard but in the room adjacent. Furthermore, patrons must warm up their own muffins rather than being warmed up by Courtyard themselves. While this is obviously not ideal, the article’s author still considers this a win.
“Anything which allows the further proliferation of warm muffins is a victory. This fight is not over, it never will be. As long as there are muffins going unwarmed, there is something that needs to change.”
If you see a muffin going unwarmed please call the Muffin Watch hotline at 1800 002 629.