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It was desperate gasps, it was glittering mortality. Yet absence from it was anguish.  I use the sea to document my life. Somehow, the moments when my chin slipped above  its molten surface were the happiest I ever documented. 

Promise me that there will always be one more orange slice left for me.
Promise me that you will peel it yourself.
Promise, promise, promise.

On his way out, he spotted a dead cockroach by the gates, laying on its armour-like back, with its dangly legs sticking up.

Motionless, erect like a prop. I had no  attempts of consolation for Giuseppe, nothing I had to give him at all, really, so I drifted, stupefied, out  of the bar. He didn’t try to stop me.  

When your metal begins to rust unconsolably, and you too lay down and become little sand-fragments of steel and rust, this too will be lost with you forever.

I waved at my old friend.  He held out his arms. I felt his hot, soothing breath, the skin of his arms grazing my bare back.  A firework blew in the pitch black behind my closing eyelids. We talked for ages; he filled me  in on what I’d missed.