Proposals to reduce simple extension, shift towards oral assessments, and change all OLE unit grading on a pass/fail basis will return to the Academic Board in the near future.
Browsing: simple extensions
The policy change would be implemented from Semester 1 2025 and students who need more than two days will need to go through the more arduous special consideration system
The Board also endorsed a statement on antiracism at the fourth meeting of the year.
The decision to change the system needs to be from the democratic voices of students and staff, not made by managers out of touch with student and staff experiences.
The changes were discussed at the latest University Executive meeting.
The University of Sydney’s Academic Board has moved to amend the Coursework Policy 2021 to introduce a standardised five day simple extension system, increasing from the two days previously allowed.
On the mixed experiences of their psychology cohorts’ time in a department which, theoretically, should understand mental health.
Grace White writes on difficulties with special consideration at USyd
Holy shit we have a literal marriage to report on
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