Browsing: existing

Promise me that there will always be one more orange slice left for me.
Promise me that you will peel it yourself.
Promise, promise, promise.

On his way out, he spotted a dead cockroach by the gates, laying on its armour-like back, with its dangly legs sticking up.

Decolonial politics, and decolonial literary criticism by extension, is abolitionist in nature. Accordingly, decolonial literary criticism is better understood as an allergy towards the canon; a compulsion to revolutionise art and literature within the confines of a colonial language.

Maybe we are entitled to hope, to take heart from the fact that the blistering developments of modern art have not obsoleted Rubens, but perhaps an existential reckoning is already inescapable. 

Motionless, erect like a prop. I had no  attempts of consolation for Giuseppe, nothing I had to give him at all, really, so I drifted, stupefied, out  of the bar. He didn’t try to stop me.  

We need to be able to discuss new technologies critically. To be able to question whether we really them in society, whether we are ready to accept the consequences of their usage, and to decide how they should be regulated.