Art by Katie Hunter.

Aries: You are eyeing the person sitting across your beer tower at Hermann’s — time is for you to take the hint and kiss them back again. Your friend group will understand.

Taurus: Since you love the Earth so much, go venture into the dreary bowels of Aerospace building and see where it takes you. Write a little porn segment for what you are imagining tonight in a random tutorial in the building, imagine 69ing in the cosmos or drawing penises on Saturn. Who cares!

Gemini: You want to be by yourself in the Queer section of Fisher, who are we to stop your individualistic passions. The best pleasure comes from a phase of being a lone wolf because we know you howl hard in your bed.

Cancer: Your best quality is your empathetic reflections, go for some rough fucking in the Old Geology Theatre off lecture hours and running raucously around the gargoyles on science road. The campus is your cocoon for letting out your loudness and the world is here for it!

Leo: Turn on that nerdy look and you will so rock that look in bed. Sexy teacher, and mysterious librarians are foremost in your roleplay chart these days so go show some tits and pull down your glasses, roar!

Virgo: I spy with my lips, the taste of chocolate and the undertone of strawberries. You are trying to use food as a denominator for a passion that accentuates hot sexual action. I am here for it. Go dig into that brownie from different edges at the Courtyard followed by a hot makeout session at the Cellar – sorry SUDS!

Libra: You love old gothic architecture and wish you were dillydallying on the Quad stairs with your partner. I see you, under the moon, legs on shoulder action in the middle of the Quad. Pop off, you nerd.

Scorpio: Experience the mundanity of the campus, swoon to the music being played at Old Darlington School and experience the intensity of passions you can connect with.

Sagittarius: What is it with you and campus toilets? Well, if you are so adamant, manning toilets makes for a good quickie during peak campus hours. Be smart to avoid the risk of being caught though!

Capricorn: You love the sun, so enjoy some flirting under the desk and the sun kissing you at Schaffer library. Beware of the librarian who might throw you out for rather unacademic intentions.

Aquarius: You love the tiny desks in the Social Sciences building, so go book it out for a few hours and make sultry eye contact over your laptops. Sex tastes yummier after a hard study sesh, truly!

Pisces: Carslaw rooftops can be tricky to get to, but sneaking in after hours yields the perfect opportunity for your first kiss. So dive into the adventure and smoooooch.