Author: Honi Soit

Honi Soit is the weekly student newspaper of the University of Sydney. It has a proud reputation of being the most vibrant and prestigious student publication in Australia.

Systematic as a diagram, but ridiculous in their scope of possibility, the modern grocery store represents to me all the richness of existing in space.

I waved at my old friend.  He held out his arms. I felt his hot, soothing breath, the skin of his arms grazing my bare back.  A firework blew in the pitch black behind my closing eyelids. We talked for ages; he filled me  in on what I’d missed.

Taking photos—an instinctual human gesture. It’s impossible to imagine their absence, a time
when time could not be recorded and printed and revisited (or uploaded, to our lifelong
construction of a mausoleum in the cloud).

In these pages, you will find Honi’s feature on the USyd Gaza solidarity encampment. After four weeks, the encampment has grown to over 90 tents and represents a united front across multiple factions who are all uniting to participate in the struggle for a free Palestine, and the moral reckoning of our time.

Central to the edition is the ongoing Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Although it may be passed absent-mindedly on your way to Courtyard — a historical reckoning of our time is sprawling over our previously, perfectly manicured Quad lawns. 

Submit your best caption for the above to for a chance to WIN and be published in the next edition! If you win, you get a personalised limerick from Angus McGregor.

Our front cover by Mahima Singh is an expression of solidarity between disability justice and Palestinian liberation. Our collective liberation will not come without standing together in solidarity with Palestine.

Daniel Park is running as an independent candidate who centres his campaign on making USyd more fun and more inclusive. Drawing on his own experience as an expat, Park said he was motivated to run for the board because he has “always been surrounded by different cultures” and wants the university to be a vibrant space that reflects its diversity.

Angus believes the USU is currently “extremely corporatised.” This has created an organisation that, according to Angus, “feels very big and really insular.” Angus intends to get to a point where students “actually want to interact with the USU,” by “giving students the pathway to do that”