“An Apolitical University is a Dead University” is a response artwork emphasising activism as a means to challenge the systems which attempt to undermine queerness, whilst promoting intersectional liberation for all.
Author: Jo Staas
It was an awkward, but entertaining collection of performances that demonstrated that engineers are as out of touch with main campus life as main campus life is out of touch with the engineering experience.
Whether you watched the L-word as an awakening into queer culture, or because you openly had a crush on Shane, the show has defined a decade of queer heartthrobs and style.
Spiking has a history of being underreported as some may choose not to report, or are unaware that they were spiked.
I don’t believe lecturers, tutors, workers, or even the students of USyd have ill intentions, but rather lack understanding on how to properly accommodate and support LGBTQIA+ students within the classroom.