Author: Zeina Khochaiche

You may have noticed construction fences and “don’t enter” signs littered around campus. Or maybe you’re hearing rumblings of building demolitions? From Cadigal green to Manning house, it is clear the University is implementing several construction projects. What are they? How long will they take? And which parts impact you? Let’s talk about it.

The GW Hatchet is an independent, non-profit student newspaper that has been in circulation since 1904. A George Washington namesake (one of the founding fathers of the University), the paper is said to be inspired by a tale where Washington was chopping down a cherry tree with a hatchet. 

Chatting with Woroni was a refreshing insight into a unique publication independent of usual student body theatrics but dependent on ensuring students have access to a creative platform that is financially, editorially and aesthetically theirs.