Browsing: Analysis

The government could have invested this money into building affordable housing, moving towards renewable energy sources, or working towards alleviating basic problems like poverty and homelessness — this is the true cost of AUKUS.

As a result of its continued accommodation for carbon offsetting, the Safeguard Mechanism incentivises investment in offset and abatement programs, drawing investment away from the critically important expansion of renewable energy infrastructure.

The men’s anti-porn movement raises a range of valid critiques of the porn industry, particularly surrounding its impact on heterosexual men’s sexual development and self esteem. At the same time, it’s hard not to feel like these men are missing the point, just a little, by failing to critique the underlying sexism of their movement.

Is the act of donation supposed to be accepted just out of its kindness or should it undergo prejudice and societal influences? With all the ethical questions and dilemmas that the issue raises, an attempt to concretise the dilemma could (hopefully) aid in fathoming out what your opinion on the matter is.