While many Australians consider honour killings a distant abomination, the shame-based ideology and gendered power dynamics behind them are still prevalent.
Browsing: perspective
Today, many children are being deprived of the creative experience. Instead, they’re watching cocomelon. And personally, I am scared of the inevitable rise of the ‘iPad Baby’.
When I was 20, I had my heart broken for the first time. Then, I came of age. Again. This time, properly.
Coffee, cobblestones, and Club 77 – romanticising the sights of Sydney.
My hands are full with my cardigan, my uni bag, the rubbish that has piled up in my car as I trundle towards the front door of my house. But before I can cross the safe threshold of my door, I hear the terrifying “hello” of an unknown voice.
“The struggle for Darlington is a struggle not only for the preservation of tangible reminders of our past, but also the struggle for the right of individuals and communities to decide their own future.” – Darlington Public School, 1878-1978.
The joys of letter writing
Writing your story
Sydney’s rain
Deconstructing the constructed self