Let’s face it. The miracle of life is no miracle. Between the panting, moaning and unintentional defecating on newborns, many onlookers ask: “Why? What is this?”
And it’s true. Nobody wants to see spurts of blood and amniotic fluid gush out of gaping holes while suffering medical staff rush to clean the mucinous and swollen foetus. In two simple words: it’s disgusting.
For centuries we have endured the horrors of childbirth, from postpartum bleed- ing to the birth of Hitler. However, with 2016 well underway, human beings have finally begun to question their retched act of recreation.
In their progressive, post-9/11 haze, Millennials have started attacking the “patri- archal institution” of childbirth, claiming, “Women will never be free until we can ensure all foetuses want to be born before they are brought into the world”.
It is clear to NY Times Magazine that children still have no say in their own birth. There is no process for the child to consent to its own existence, and this seems like an instance in which consent is paramount.
The unborn, however, are not the only beings utterly trapped by the act of child- birth. Many women are tired of their choices being dictated by “hormones”, “feel- ings of love” and “the media”. Similarly, male Millennials no longer express interest in children, citing their only interests as “video games and those memes about the gorilla who died”.
This all begs the question: have we finally transcended childbirth?
While some Millennials cite philosophical and ideological reasons for their an- ti-childbirth stance, many moderates articulate a desire for improved scientific methods for creating new life. In a study conducted by the NY Times, it was uncov- ered that as many as 32 percent of young people would prefer to “lay eggs from their taint”, than continue with the vagina/foetus paradigm.
And we are sure to see many inventions that shift and reinvent the status quo with some form of disruption and agility. In the meantime we must ask ourselves, if we are going to live forever, why must we bring new beings into this world? Why child- birth? Why now?
This piece formed part of the Honi Soit Think-Piece-Meal Experience. Some real think- pieces to think about it. You might think these challenging works of analysis champion “Rationalism” over “Empiricism”. You might think these headlines have been cherry-picked from hilarious @thinkpiecebot tweets. And you know what, at least you are thinking. That’s the point. Having thoughts, no matter what is hermeneutically sound.
Want to read our other Honi Soit Think-Pieces-Meal-Experiences? Check out our article from The Guardian, Why does the American ruling class continue to be obsessed with the Bubonic Plague? and our New Scientist piece Do Young People Really Love The Large Hadron Collider?