Using simple language, Emma explains her American Studies honours thesis about the politics of memes in the 2016 US primary election
Author: Emma Balfour
Emma Balfour reviews the 2016 Wom*n’s Revue
These filthy opinions belong to earth-shackled Emma Balfour.
Emma Balfour no longer has innocent eyes.
Emma Balfour has made a gradual shift from niece who will receive an Easter Egg to niece who will not
Which one are you? Take this quiz by the leafy and occasionally crisp Emma Balfour.
Seen anyone on campus in a petticoat lately? What about cat-eye glasses and a headscarf? A kitsch brooch and impractical…
Emma Balfour urges you to see the latest work from Montague Basement
Which one of these ungodly birds are you? Find out in this quiz by Emma Balfour.
Emma Balfour wishes to bed another cast