Day 4 began with a new strain of brain-rot: hydraulic compression videos! A fitting start to the final day of student politicians tearing each other apart.
Browsing: Stupol
Whilst members of NLS and Unity attempted to speak on campaigns such as the international student concession transport cards, placement poverty and the increase of rent in student accommodation, SAlt continuously asked the question: “Why is that though?”
In the game of NatCon chess, SAlt seem to be moving their pieces with purpose this morning. That is, when they’re not cutting off First Nations delegates during First Nations policy discussion…
The icing on the cake was having to stand in the scorching heat for hours on end, which apparently wasn’t an “accessibility” concern despite all the emphasis on it within the motions. It’s giving the “NUS buzzword of 2024”.
For these three and a half hours, Honi Soit watched on with shock, horror and some admiration for the 37 councillors gathered in New Law Lecture Theatre 026.
“The University of Sydney’s Queer Action Collective (QuAC) held an emergency briefing at 9 am on February 29 to condemn the support of a motion banning drag storytime in the Cumberland City Council the night before.”
TW/CW: Transphobia, gender-based violence & ableism Day 4 of the 36th NUS’ National Conference 2023 was filled with fatigue and…
Welcome back to Honi Soit’s NatCon coverage – Day 3 edition. Lucky for you, today was the closest attempt to…
The NUS has since posted a media release confirming their public support, with a particular emphasis on resisting the “second…
Day 2 of the National Union of Students Conference can be likened to cramming an assignment the night it is…