If you’d like to locate a healthcare provider that is familiar with LGBTQ+ patients but aren’t aware of any near you, ACON’s website has a list of queer-friendly GPs that will ensure you are treated with knowledgeable and appropriate care.
Browsing: health
In fact, I had all but known about having ADHD for years — getting the formal confirmation was, to me, merely that: a confirmation.
A groundbreaking study by Western Sydney University researchers and co-designed by consumer organizations has revealed more than 1 in 10 Australian women feel they have experienced some form of obstetric violence.
“Now I would describe it as a state of regression, back into the child self. That same inner child we all are so desperate to get back once we reach adulthood.”
Generic versions of essential ADHD medications like Adderall, Vyvanse and Concerta remain in varying degrees of shortage across the globe. It has been an international pharmaceutical issue since August of last year and has only worsened since.
Consequently, the pill has provided me with a sense of agency and independence which would simply not exist if I continued to struggle with debilitatingly heavy periods and painful cystic acne each month. So why now, at 21, do I feel that being taken away from me?
APA NSW’s report shines a light on numerous systematic deficiencies within the NSW healthcare system, including decreasing cardiac arrest survival rates, delayed ambulance response times, and public hospital triage inconsistencies.
The feature this week grapples with menstrual inequity on campus, ranging from available period products to regulatory support. Surprise, there is barely any.
Underdiagnosed, incurable, painful: is it endometriosis or “just period pain”?
Depersonalisation can make you a stranger to yourself.