Browsing: USU Board

Daniel Park is running as an independent candidate who centres his campaign on making USyd more fun and more inclusive. Drawing on his own experience as an expat, Park said he was motivated to run for the board because he has “always been surrounded by different cultures” and wants the university to be a vibrant space that reflects its diversity.

Floyd comes to the board with a wealth of experience in student activism and government. He is currently serving as the SRC’s First Nations Officer and was elected as a councilor at the most recent election. His First Nations identity is central to his message. There has never been a First Nations Board Director and Floyd said his election would be “historic.” 

Naomi Viegas is running for USU Board as an independent candidate, possessing no past or current political or factional affiliations. While this means that Viegas is not bound by any factional directives, her institutional knowledge of the USU, as well as the USU’s political leanings and vision, were notably lacking.

Dwyer is an experienced and highly competent voice for students. While not as much of an activist as more left-wing factions, his detailed policy platform and understanding of the USU’s operations make him one of the candidates to beat