Browsing: Perspective

Being a JD student can be a particularly sobering experience — being in a tight-knit cohort again feels eerily reminiscent of high school. The other day, a friend of mine mouthed to himself at a quiet moment in the Law Annex corridor “I had a job… Why am I back here?”

While I sympathise with SST’s anti-development line, I cannot believe that the solution to conserving Sydney’s trees can be achieved by a simple change of government. What is required is a celebration of trees for their intrinsic value, their character, their sense of place. It is in these famous trees that we find places. There is nothing delicate in a belief like that.

The post generated a flurry of responses. While specific experiences varied, the overall picture was of poor or no reception across mobile networks in the surrounding area, whether living on the Petersham-Stanmore border, or travelling between Petersham and Newtown, or some other variation – the most extreme was travelling all the way from Strathfield to Redfern.