Browsing: campus

I wonder who is reading this right now. For history assignments, students like myself comb through real/digitised sheets of newspapers and periodicals. I wonder if this will one day be done to this paper. I hope students today and tomorrow find a sense of intimacy when reading these pages — in the familiar settings, feelings and issues. Our lives are worth literary attention.

The Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) has opened a new food pantry for postgraduate students in the Wentworth building. Based on the successful FoodHub model managed by the USU, the pantry is free for all SUPRA members.

You may have noticed construction fences and “don’t enter” signs littered around campus. Or maybe you’re hearing rumblings of building demolitions? From Cadigal green to Manning house, it is clear the University is implementing several construction projects. What are they? How long will they take? And which parts impact you? Let’s talk about it.