Honi’s ticket profile of next year’s editors
Browsing: Honi Soit
This is the third Honi election in a row not to have a proper election campaign since Drip and Cake contested the 2021 election.
Rand Khatib (Grassroots), Angus Fisher (NLS), and Thomas Thorpe (Liberal) will contest the SRC Presidential election this year in an unexpected three way race.
Limited by archival lacuna, we can only dip our toes into the pernicious sea of sexism that has shaped Honi’s coverage of women’s issues and female participation in the paper over the years. Enter the women of 2024’s Honi.
What is Honi Soit? Founded in 1929 by a group of students wanting to push back against the Australian media’s…
It took me three tries to become an Honi editor. After a series of trials, resulting in errors, it turned…
To many, its well-worn tropes — love letters, odes, think pieces — are a comfort, whilst to many they appear lifeless. Maybe Honi Soit can be a bit annoying —- but that’s because young people are annoying. We are part of a long tradition of nit-picky, quippy people who care.
Every week, new editions of Honi Soit hit stands around campus. For many students, this is an unremarkable part of…
Rose Donnelly (National Labor Students) and Harrison Brennan (Grassroots) will compete to be SRC President, while tickets Rants and Flirt will vie for editorship of Honi Soit.
SRC Publications Manager Mickie Quick will take over the print room and focus on Honi’s role as a form of artistic and political expression.