Browsing: student journalism

Honi’s conversation with Pelican was an interesting change of pace to previous Spotlights. While sharing a desire to engage with their student community in a meaningful way, Pelican were hesitant to place their shortcomings on external factors. Instead they confessed a mission to cultivate student community as crucial to ever have a chance at combating the turbulence of student media.

Each week, and for decades before us, Honi has been laden with advertisements which interject student journalism, piss-takes, and art. But why? Honi is not a profitable paper — and prides itself on its boisterous independence.

While the play was certainly an ode to the whimsy and abject lunacy of the student life, the ‘60s/‘20s juxtaposition provides an opportunity to reflect on the progresses, and regresses, of Australian culture and the university system (think HECs, lock-out laws, department mergers, the commodification of tertiary study, the inaccessibility of student housing).

The GW Hatchet is an independent, non-profit student newspaper that has been in circulation since 1904. A George Washington namesake (one of the founding fathers of the University), the paper is said to be inspired by a tale where Washington was chopping down a cherry tree with a hatchet.